Want Your GovCon Business to Be
More Profitable?

Get expert financial consulting & tax strategies so you can keep more money, pay less taxes, and build long-lasting financial stability

Government contracting can be lucrative – if you run your business well.

But that’s easier said than done. There are many moving parts to get right and it’s easy to get bogged down.

Have you ever: 

  • Felt frustrated by project cost overruns?

  • Stayed up late trying to figure out the numbers?

  • Felt overwhelmed by financial chaos? 

  • Gotten stuck navigating compliance red tape? 

  • Felt cash-strapped after taking on major projects? 

  • Found yourself scrounging to meet payroll even though you just secured a big project?

  • Tried to understand why your bank account isn’t growing when your top-line revenue is?

You know there has to be a way to do this successfully, if you could just get the right guidance and support. 

Four main problems
often entangle GovCon owners as they grow

it starts with: The Contract Complexity Conundrum 

  • Contracts get increasingly complex and include financial terms and conditions you don’t completely understand

  • It’s nearly impossible to figure out how contract constraints and risks impact your bottom line

  • It gets harder to capture all your costs, varying conditions, and risks when preparing to submit bids

  • It becomes almost impossible to compare profitability on different types of contracts (cost plus, fixed price, time, and material) 


You find yourself in: The Compliance Maze

As you learn the complex regulations, you’re left with more questions and fear you are missing something critical that could jeopardize your contract.

You might find:

  • You’ve just landed a project, but you can’t focus on delivery because you are frantically navigating compliance standards

  • The ever-shifting landscape of financial compliance red tape clouds the path forward

  • The DCAA's complex set of regulations has you burning your time as you try to comply with timekeeping, incurred costs, and accounting systems standards.


Then you run into: The Unexpected Costs Dilemma

  • With every step forward, unexpected expenses emerge from the shadows 

  • Each invoice feels like a blow as they exceed your initial estimates by a mile

  • The budget you thought was solid, feels like shifting sand beneath your feet

  • The dream of huge $$$ in your bank account is slipping through your fingers

  • The path to regaining control seems obscured as if you're trying to navigate a train that's veered off its tracks.


And then it gets worse when you hit: The Taxation Terror

You made it through the project and somehow squeezed out some profit until it hits you: “I need to pay TAXES on this.”

  • You receive IRS letters that may as well be written in Greek.

  • The uncertainty of your annual tax bill adds to the sleepless nights

  • You experience sticker shock as your tax bill grows each year faster than the hottest stock


You dream of: 

  • being able to identify projects with substantial profits easily

  • steering clear of projects doomed to fail

  • making sure your bids are competitive yet profitable

  • maximizing project selection

  • gauging project viability and managing overruns

  • processing payroll for employees and contractors quickly and efficiently

As a business owner, you want: 

  • real financial insights that help you make the decisions that matter

  • streamlined financial operations to ensure liquidity and growth

  • to cover operational costs without constantly checking your bank account

  • to pay the least amount of tax legally possible and know your annual tax bill in advance your time spent on sales and growth, not financial orchestration

Those aren’t just dreams!

You can have a more profitable GovCon business where you get expert financial consulting and tax strategies. This will allow you to keep more money, pay less taxes, and build long-lasting financial stability.

We found a way to do it differently. We found a way to do it better.

It’s the JBee Method.

We specialize in helping
GovCon business owners:

  • Get clear next steps to take to improve cashflow

  • Get a clear picture of how contract constraints and risks impact your bottom line

  • Pay vendors and employees on time with confidence

  • Get a financial blueprint to increase cash flow and profit in your business

  • Leave the financial compliance to us so you can stop thinking about it

  • Get clarity on the best way to take money out of your company

So you can:

  • Know when it’s safe to take the money you need out of your business

  • Be confident in your plan to save for your future

  • Focus on what you do best

And ultimately, become financially free to do what you love. Which is, after all, the main reason you became a business owner.

Here’s what it looks like to work with us

Schedule Your Discovery Call

Click below to schedule your discovery call.

Gather & Submit Your Documents

After you schedule your discovery call, you will get an email with a list of documents to send to our firm to prepare for your discovery call.

Meet with Our Team

Our team will meet with you to understand your business and personal goals and will design or recommend a package to fit your needs.

Onboarding & Implementation

Get an action plan and timeline to achieve your goals.